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Recent Movie Reviews

4 Movie Reviews

Never thought to see some animation towards Like A Dragon. Love how you match the voice work so well here and even more the tiny faces to better show off the expression. Love how natural and smooth this all feels given how before I never played a Yakuza game before, lol.

PS - Love the littler jokes from the Sponebob face, the background poster and even the change of angles in some shots. Quality, quality work. Just keep your underwear on, plz.

This odd little series continues to impress beyond words. Love to everything that is the Healer lass and seriously hope to draw her one day. Poor thing <3 <3 <3

Know next to NADDA on the Rayman realm of things, but big love to this great parody and WOW onto the ladies of the series. Glad as ever to see stuff like this and quality animation work + voice acting as well! *applauses and whistles*

Recent Audio Reviews

3 Audio Reviews

Gosh, this song is kind of hitting home for me in a few ways. I should explain, lol.

I'm currently playing MOTHER 3 for the first time and the music has some amazing resonance with emotions and something to really stop and make you think besides it just being "there."

I get the same vibe and enjoyment from there with that blend of chill and almost atmosphere here as you go along. I personally love the 2:55 part and up, makes me think of Lucas (main character from the game) and his entire journey thus far. Sorry to prattle on so much here, I'm no expert in music. But even I can say this is some VERY effective quality you got in your musical talents. *nods*

OVERSCORE responds:

Never played Mother 3, but thanks anyway! This is definitely a song about stopping and thinking. Thank you for the compliments!

While I'm not a BIG-BRAIN music buff, I will say the mixing of mysticism, heavy drop and just plain charm are all present here. I love personally is the start of 2:25 to really calm you down a bit before the final plunge back into NEBULA. Golden stuff here. *nods*

AndrewCr responds:

Thanks, really appreciate it!

I have a fun fact: the little calm-down piano bit wasn't even supposed to exist until the really late stages of composing. I originally wanted to go straight to a buildup, but transitioning from that one happy, uplift-y section back to the general darker theme in an instant just wasn't working out, so I put the piano segment in to connect them.

As a fellow crab, I can full support this endeavor to praise crabs. But for real, love the almost hypnotic swing and chill this has. Compliments to you knowing your stuff on the music here, Zaaz.

ZaazNG responds:

Always hoped a crab would listen to my music! Thank you so much for your kind words :)

Recent Art Reviews

35 Art Reviews

Stupendous work on RD there, Livi! Love to everything the bit of blood but especially the more badass look of those eyes and that grin. Your style is changing for the more awesome!!!!!!

Livixal-EDGE737 responds:

Thank you so much, Timmy!! ~ :D

Pretty darn good on the work here. Do like the way you took to really showing off that TIGHT feel for the suit and even the bit of abs in there to spice up this foxy lovely.

Love the little touch of her bow with the bells and even way you flare up the threading to better show off the lush feel of her hair.

Keep up the good work on the shading and even the way you tone up the skin with the lighter shading on the edges. I might suggest to keep honing into the shading with a bit more of a darker tone like around the knees to make it as noticeable as the cleavage. You might even try a tone here that is bit more brown-ish to that of a blacker shade. Better blends in with the yellow base of her skin. *nods*

ANYWHO, cheers on the cutesy pose for Ceroba, love the little tongue poke and seriously keep up the awesome art. *nods*

Damn to see your art has been coming a VERY long way since last checking in on your works, Angel. Kudos to everything in here and definitely the centerpiece and focus towards Veran and her........pole. ^O^

Do like how well you take note of the scale of the thing to the other ladies. Making Veran a bit of a giantess in a way to better show her POWER to her followers. On that note, damn good show getting them to fondle/caress/worship their "idol" as they do. Won't get into too many details, but you do them both excellent justice.

Compliments as well to even other touches from the way the girls are dressed in similar colors to Veran and even Veran with the neat spikes to her heels or the love lips and dark color of her eyelids to match.

Great stuff on the Veran Day. This art really kicks it up a notch. ^-^

Greetings one and all! Timmy is the name, and drawing the ladies is the game!
My works varies between both digital and traditional realm of shenanigans. But follow along, enjoy some lovely curves, oddities and whatever else goes around here! *tips hat*

Age 36, Male


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